If you are looking for Driver CPC training, First Aid training, Transport Consultancy, Transport Audits, or other Transport related services we are here to help you.
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Who are we:
PETM LTD is a family run business since 2021 and can offer you wide range of services. We can offer expert training and consultancy services to help you reach your goals. Our experienced team of professionals will work with you to create a tailored solution that meets your needs.
What we can offer:
Driver CPC regular courses delivered by transport managers and ex-drivers knowing where problems can happen and able to give advice and guidance.
First Aid training which will cover practical training and information needed to save lives.
Over 300 E-Learning courses covering wide variety of subjects.
Transport consultancy in Road Haulage for O Licence Holders with full support from us to ensure your business stay safe, legal and compliant.
Audits for your transport business to ensure you know where you company stand with legal requirements.
Additional support in preparing your transport company’s policy, procedures and safe system of work including regular Toolbox Talks and templates easy to use for your transport business.
Our team is committed to providing the best service possible. We are available to answer your questions and provide advice and guidance.
If you’d like to learn more about our training and consulting services, please contact us today or check our services.
We look forward to work with you!